
What do you think it means when you are told to travel north?


Use the direction finder to answer the questions below. What direction are you going if you travel from:

Africa to Europe

North America to Asia

Asia to North America

Europe to Africa

North America to South America
Antarctica to the N. Pole
South America to Europe
Asia to South America

Antarctica to Asia

Africa to North America
Africa to Asia
South America to Asia
North America to Africa
N. Pole to anywhere
Australia  to North America


The red star on each of the maps below represents EVG School. Each map zooms out farther, and each map has a direction finder next to it to help you answer the questions.

1. If you are on Columbia Avenue heading for Palisade Avenue, what direction are you going?

2.If you are on Washington Avenue heading for Hudson Terrace, what direction are you going

3. I
f you travel from EVG toPoint A, what direction
are you going?

4. Does River Road run directly north/south?

1. When you are traveling NE on River Road, after you pass Route 5 your direction changes.  Which way do you turn after Route 5?

2. Traveling south on River Road, you turn NW on Hudson Ave.  At the end of Hudson Avenue you turn SW. What street are you on?

3. In Cliffside Park, you are traveling north on Gorge Road. You turn NE onto Palisade Avenue and then SE onto Tower Drive. What is the next street you come to?

1.  "As the crow flies", travel directly east from EVG. What number street will you be near?

2.  In Manhattan, travel SW on Broadway. Turn SE on W123rd Street. How many blocks do you need to go to get to 7th Avenue?

3.  As you travel SW on Broadway, do the street numbers get higher or lower?

1.  Traveling SW from the George Washington Bridge along the Hudson River, name the 7 towns you will pass by.

2.  If  you travel SE on Route 3 into NYC, how will you be crossing the Hudson River?